The Forbes Diamond Gala was held on 14.06. 2022 in Rzeszów. Among the awarded businesses from Podkarpacie was also our company. The award was received by the Management Board represented by Renata Koszuta and Marcin Bijak.
Forbes Diamonds are awards for companies that have received a positive credibility rating based on EBIT ROA, have high current liquidity and are not in arrears with payments. They must also show a positive financial result.
The President took part in a panel discussion, which was the official part of the meeting, during which the conduct of business in an unstable market situation was debated.

Renata Koszuta – Member of the Management Board, Marcin Bijak – President of the Management Board, Photo Forbes Press Releases

Panel discussion Forbes Press Releases

Marcin Roman Bijak – President of the Board, Forbes Press Releases

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Gala Diamentów Forbes 2022 – Galeria Rzeszów